CEP 882 Blog

A place to think, write and learn through out Spring of 2011 in CEP 882. I will post to this as often as I have a drive to sit down and write, it may or may not apply to this course specifically but every day events often find their way into our learning so I will use those throughout the term.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

End of Term....Almost

It is almost the end of the term. I am struggling to find the motivation to get the rest of my final project done. I finished my other course last Sunday and with that out of the way I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Now that I am in the middle of the week and only a few days to go before this course ends I am starting to get stressed out yet I can't seem to get myself to get any more work done. I am so close to the end yet so far and now I am feeling like the light at the end of the tunnel is not real. Like someone has just turned on a flashlight to trick me into a false sense of hope. Of course this isn't true and we will be done shortly and not only will this term be over but my entire degree will be complete.

For this week I don't have much to connect to teaching in regard to the course topics; however, I can relate to any other school teacher that is nearing the end of a term. I feel at once like the students sitting in the chairs and the teacher trying to keep their attention for just two more weeks. If I can find a way to pull myself together and to take charge of my classroom (myself in this case) I will make it to the end and successfully. So that is the goal of the week. Finish the final WOA project, complete the conclusion week and be happy that I have given my best and learned a lot along the way. I hope everyone else in the course is finding their way to the end in a happier state than I. 

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