CEP 882 Blog

A place to think, write and learn through out Spring of 2011 in CEP 882. I will post to this as often as I have a drive to sit down and write, it may or may not apply to this course specifically but every day events often find their way into our learning so I will use those throughout the term.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Back in the Groove

Well the week has been flying by once again. I am ending it on a different note than last week however. This week I have found rejuvenation through several aspects of my life. First I found a good way to get a work out in each day giving me more energy to get things done around the house (including homework). Second I found life and excitement by getting off the ground again. Flying was my goal since the 3rd grade and after quitting Army Aviation in October I was feeling a little down, today I had my first flight in a Cessna 152 to revive my dream. The best part of the rejuvenation is that I am feeling motivated to sit down and get my school work done. Not feeling like a bump on the log due to the work outs I am now finding motivation to do all the other things that require my attention on a daily basis.
So this week has put me back in the groove, back in the swing of things...whatever you want to call it I have it. Now I have to make sure I hold on to it! I hope all is going well for everyone else this term and if you have a fallen in a hole like I did, I hope you can find a way to climb out!

1 comment:

  1. How true. Exercise does give energy as well as using energy....
